Why no campaign against US and EU anti-encryption bills?

“Security researchers at London-based Positive Technologies have identified an undocumented configuration setting that disables Intel Management Engine 11, a CPU control mechanism that has been described as a security risk.”

It can be fully switched off but no instruction is given as to how its done

Source: Intel ME controller chip has secret kill switch • The Register

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Yes at a certain time there was this :thinking:

How to apply me_cleaner Nicola Corna edited this page on Jan 16, 2018
For more experienced users, a tool called ME Cleaner and to disable a management engine

Disabling Intel AMT The local interface

You see, this is precisely the reason it is necessary to take action RIGHT NOW. Digital privacy is in danger of losing its basic foundation. There is no time to waste.

For instance, to oppose SOPA, Wikipedia went dark for a day. This time, it should do the same and stay offline until the bills are revoked. To get the word out, open-source applications could include nag screens and change their app store descriptions. Anything and everything we can to raise as much noise as we can is what we should do.

However, other than writing a few open letters, we’re doing nothing.

Sigh. Of course, that is the most critical gap to be addressed. After all, it doesn’t matter how many people are realizing the value of privacy if they aren’t made aware of measures to curtail it before it’s too late.

And why do you want me, a complete nobody, to do something that not even the most well-known privacy organizations can or will?


I don’t know where to start asking about support for this, wikipedia supported such matters in the past but contacting them is obscure and they don’t allow accounts from Tor or VPN. News agencies are already reporting about it but in a factual cardboard explanation with no warning as to its potential misuse, the British governments basically just placed an indefensible situation where anybody openly opposing such surveillance method is automatically judged to be someone who would be directly affected by it. “If you don’t want to let us into your encrypted communications then you must be sharing child abuse material.” They’ve created a digital boogyman that brings suspicion upon who isn’t in favour of it.

Now its gone from Manufacturer wide to Nation wide with intent of becoming Continent wide then World wide Things aren’t so loud anymore?


This is one of the 4 riders of the internet-apocalypse (I forgot who to credit for this term) together with racists, terrorists and the worst of them: people pirating music, movies and games.
Please get me right: They are all, more or less, serious issues which should be solved.
But the politicians often summon one ore more of the riders to silence questions and critics.
Like you said: If you do not support my plan, you are with them. And they accuse you of ‘perpetrator protection’ (German: Täterschutz).
It seems to me that they are not able to accept that this idea does not solve the problem.
They just hide it and/or force the offenders to use other channels … which would not change anything. The Data is hosted encrypted in the ‘clear net’ via dropbox, gdrive and such.

They waste resources, weaken our privacy and our encryption which leads to increased risk for all of us.

And the main point, this does not solve the issue! They should use resources to encourage people in kindergartens, schools or other adults to report signs of abuse and help them to recognize them. Educate (young) people to not become fascists or racist. Strengthen victims and their position so speak out against offenders.

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Yes you are very much correct. The easiest solution to this issue is a manufacturer producing smartphones which will work with toktik and all the other guff but crucially does not have a front or back camera, only pre approved numbers can contact or receive contact, all keyboard input monitored for ‘key words’ and built in screen sharing so parents can remotely monitor the screen. If this existed then the world would be a safer place and governments would have no reason to destroy the privacy of innocent citizens, which is perhaps why it doesn’t exist…

Either way we need to do something to gain attention and scare them into backing down like Apple did. I don’t care if people judge me for it, if anything I’d encourage misguided suspicion and anger because it spreads rapidly whereas understanding takes time. People need to stop being afraid of single mother Karen calling them a pedo because they have basic understanding of security and freedom based upon the stability of that security. Its also an inevitable fact that a number of governmental employees involved in removing basic protection will also be pedos themselves anyway, as will be some of the police who arrest them.

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EFF flew an actual plane over Apple’s headquarters in protest to their plans for client-side scanning. Pro-privacy groups ought to be raising hell and hitting all the panic buttons now that real bills are being introduced by key Western nations, but instead they’re merely writing some esoteric petitions…

So, yes. We’ve truly lost all of our resolve.

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Its a very strange situation since all privacy, technology and human rights groups must be aware of this but nobody has said anything or done anything. It could be the case that one group is speaking louder than the others (such as the EFF Apple airlines) but in this case nobody has even started discussions. These bills will affect all of us and thus all of them, privacy rights groups may as well shut down if it gets to that point since no privacy will be expectable at any level. Our only hope is that they don’t get approved

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