Tor Exiting during Startup - HELP

When reporting a bug, please include as many of these as possible:

  • Operating System you are using
    Win 10 Pro

  • Tor Browser version

  • Tor Browser Security Level
    Standard Level

  • Step by step of how you got to the issue, so we can reproduce it (e.g. I opened the browser, typed a url, clicked on (i) icon, then my browser crashed)
    One fine day (two days ago) my Tor wouldn’t connect and I try to use a bridge but decide not to and go back without applying changes and try restarting my browser instead. At the next restart I get the following error: Tor exited during startup. This might be due to an error in your torrc file, a bug in Tor or another program on your system, or faulty hardware. Until you fix the underlying problem and restart Tor, Tor Browser will not start.
    Uninstalled and reinstalled, same error.

  • (optional) A screenshot of the problem

  • The Tor log
    After the reinstall, nothing happens when I click the Tor button in the settings menu

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Hello? Can anybody help with this issue here? Please do, I’m reliant on resources blocked in my country for my research material since my university library is not physically accessible due to covid restrictions.

The following might resolve the issue:

  1. Please make sure the timezone (date and time) is accurate on your system.
  2. If you’re using a VPN, please disable it.
  3. If you’re using an antivirus software, try to relaunch the Tor Browser after disabling it.
  4. If the Browser was working before and is not working now, your system may have been hibernating. A reboot, in that case, will solve the issue.
  5. Try to uninstall and reinstall the Tor Browser. Detailed instructions to properly uninstall the Tor Browser can be found here: UNINSTALLING | Tor Project | Tor Browser Manual
    Then, make sure to download it from here: Tor Project | Download
  6. Another common reason for that error is if you have non-ASCII characters in your username, so the path to tor.exe is something like C:\Users\UserNameWithCyrillic\Desktop\TorBrowser. Then a solution is to make a directory in, say, C:\ for Tor Browser that your user has full access and permission for.
  7. Please try updating the operating system.

As soon as I read through your post, I realised that it was the reboot that was only possible culprit.
Since I have simulations and programmes running calculations throughout the night, my slow pc sees shutdowns or reboots only once a month… Thanks again for taking the time out to help…


PROBLEM SOLVED. Finally, I found how to fix this annoying Tor browser stops and exited during startup. this bug occurs after sleep or hibernation in windows 10. just do proper shutdown by holding the shift key while clicking on the shutdown button in the start menu and walla tor will work flawlessly next boot.