Setup Tor relay on windows, still blind need help

Hey! First fo all. Setting max Accounting for a relay less than 1GB is not very useful at all, the least powerful relays transfer at least 1 GB every day.

In my opinion you should entirely uncomment the “AccountingMax” “Accounting Start” if you don’t need it or don’t know how to configure it.

Also if you have 5120 KBytes bandwidth rate it means you’re allowing your relay to transfer nonstop [40.96 Mbits/s] that means it can transfer “Account Max” up to 13464.29952 Gigabytes monthly!

However you should make a clean Linux install first for example Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, server edition is sufficient then follow these tutorials to install TOR relay properly:

If you’re on Ubuntu or any Debian based distro first download latest TOR version with this command:

follow all steps in this guide don’t forget to configure your release in apt.sources.list
for example if you are on Ubuntu 22.04 you will want to rewrite " ```
" to jammy

Then go to: your torrc file and configure your relay:

nano /etc/tor/torrc

Keep in mind if you have also IPv6 connectivity available on your server or provider you should mention it in your torrc file so the IPv6 users coud connect to your relay!

ORPort [IPv6:address:example:close:with:this]:443
ORPort IPv4.example.address:443

Then it’s also useful to specify your IP address again if you have IPv6 connectivity then specify both addresses:

Address IPv4.Example.address
Address [IPv6:example:address:close:with:this]

Once you configure all these options it also useful to monitor your relay with “nyx” you can install nyx with this command:
sudo apt install nyx

then once you start your configured relay with
systemctl start tor

you can open your nyx monitoring application in your terminal with this command:
or if it gives any error use:
sudo nyx

You can follow some Youtube video if you need help with configuring your relay for example this one, There’s also plenty of useful tutorials and guides on official Torproject website!: