Connection fails when trying any link

When reporting a bug, please include as many of these as possible:

Hey guys

When opening the whatsapp link or signal the torbrowser does not open. Error message appears.
Even trying to open it without any link, port connections take a long time. If we change the connection, the same problem also occurs. It shows that it is starting and hangs

  • Operating System you are using
    Galaxy A3(2016)
    Versão Android 7.0

  • Tor Browser version
    Version 102.2.1 Release (12.0.5) Downloaded from play store

  • Tor Browser Security Level

  • Step by step of how you got to the issue, so we can reproduce it (e.g. I opened the browser, typed a url, clicked on (i) icon, then my browser crashed)

When opening the whatssapp link or signal the torbrowser does not open. Error message appears.
Even trying to open it without any link, port connections take a long time. If we change the connection, the same problem also occurs. It shows that it is starting and hangs.

  • (optional) A screenshot of the problem

  • The Tor log
    Where is the log in TorBrowser on Android?

Note: Is it possible to release a language translation extension for TorBrowser on Android?

1 Like


Is it possible to add at least one of these two language translation extension options to the Torbrowser for Andoird list?

Thank You

See the example of the Brave browser’s native language translation extension for Android

The website is in English and has been translated into Brazilian Portuguese

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