Connecting to server from smart phone using NoMachine

I set up a vbox on my server that can be accessed through NoMachine via Onion Services. I’m going away this weekend and I’m not taking my laptop, but I thought if I need to I could connect through my S22. I downloaded NoMachine and input the exact settings I use on my laptop to connect. I immediately get an error message The remote host xxxx.onion cannot be found.
I’m using the same settings,
Protocol NX
Port 4000
Host (I copied and pasted into an email. then from the email to the settings)
I’m sure it’s something simple that I’m overlooking.

I’m using SOCK proxy on the laptop and don’t see an option for it on the phone. if I enter the SOCK proxy host and port in HTTP proxy I get an error that the host refused the connection.

You can try using Orbot to force proxy a normal NoMachine connection. I have no experience with NoMachine, but according to reports, you can use Orbot to proxy ConnectBot through Tor and establish an SSH connection with your hidden service, which you can then use to secure a tunnel for VNC.
Other external proxying apps that can be helpful and that I know are AFWall+ and Invizible Pro.