[tor-relays] IPv6

Hi all,

I was able to add IPv6 on four HardenedBSD relays I run however I have now noticed a number of malicious login attempts. I am wondering if there is some correlation with the IPv6 or just a coincidence?

Best regards,



Sent from ProtonMail for iOS

IPv6 login attempts (SSH) are very very rare. 1 per year! IPv4 several per
day. I mostly _only_ allowed SSH login over IPv6.

A /64 subnet has many addresses to scan = 18.446.744.073.709.551.616


On Wednesday, December 15, 2021 3:21:17 AM CET xplato via tor-relays wrote:

owever I have now noticed a number of malicious login attempts

╰_╯ Ciao Marco!

Debian GNU/Linux

It's free software and it gives you freedom!

however I have now noticed a number of malicious login attempts

Using a non standard ssh port and blocking power 22 should reduce the bot login attempts.
(If you’re running a VPS be sure to test your custom port before blocking 22)
I don’t see a relationship between IPv6 and login attempts though. You could have entered your IP on malicious site to test IPv6.



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