[tor-project] Community Team meeting notes - May 2nd 2022


Here are our meeting logs:


And our meeting pad:

## Tor Community Team meeting pad

Next meeting: Monday, May 9, 2022 - 1400 UTC

Weekly meetings, every Monday at 14:00 UTC, in #tor-meeting at OFTC
(channel is logged while meetings are in progress)

## Goal of this meeting

Weekly check-in about the status of Community Team work at Tor.

## Links to Useful documents

* Previous meetings: Topics tagged community-team
* Monthly l10n hangout:
* Tor Project | Monthly Localization Hangouts
* Known issues with Tor Browser:
* KNOWN ISSUES | Tor Project | Tor Browser Manual

    and Tor Browser for Android:

## Discussion

- Relay operator sysadmin 101 workshop:
    - (draft) form:
    - invitation:
        - (gus) oniondao folks
        - (gman999) bsd folks + RPI students

- OONI+Tor training in Latam with Derechos Digitales:
    - Maria will run an OONI workshop with DD
    - We will have a training day to talk about Tor & anticensorship
    - Gus will share the survey pad with Raya
    - Ticket:
      Tor training with Derechos Digitales and OONI (#47) · Issues · The Tor Project / Community / Training · GitLab
- Collecting Tor Browser alpha feedback from our support channels (RT
  and cdr.link):
    - Create a pad to collect user feedback from RT and cdr.link and
      track down TB alpha bugs
    - Create a template on RT to tag tickets
    - Add how to report a bug or give feedback in cdr.link text module
      (in Russian):
Add how to report a bug or give feedback in cdr.link text module (in Russian) (#40079) · Issues · The Tor Project / Community / Support · GitLab

- Training page revamp discussion:

## Updates


    Last week:
        - 1:1 with Gus
        - Testing Tor Browser 11.5a9 wrt.
          Update the manual for Tor Browser 11.5 release (#119) · Issues · The Tor Project / Web / manual · GitLab
        - Reviewed user trust levels on the forum with Gus
          ([cdr.link] we are receiving less support requests than average and some slowness while interacting with the web interface (#40078) · Issues · The Tor Project / Community / Support · GitLab)
        - Investigating some issues on our Telegram support channel /
          cdr.link with Nina
([cdr.link] we are receiving less support requests than average and some slowness while interacting with the web interface (#40078) · Issues · The Tor Project / Community / Support · GitLab)
        - user support work forum, RT, cdr.link
        - working with users to gather feedback on this fenix bug :
          Bug in rendering webpages (#40216) · Issues · The Tor Project / Applications / fenix · GitLab
    This week:
        - Testing Tor Browser alpha and prepare the documentation
        - S125 retrospective meeting


    Last week:
        - Worked on relay operator workshop form
        - Organized the Tor Latam meetup
        - S96 meeting
        - S9 meeting
        - Websites work:
          Add DuckDuckGo search bar (!108) · Merge requests · The Tor Project / Web / support · GitLab
        - Meeting with Derechos Digitales
        - Alix Dunn course
        - Met opensearch community manager
        - team 1:1s
        - Got more private bridges for frontdesk/cdr.link

    This week:
        - S125 retrospective meeting
        - S30 meeting
        - Team 1:1s
        - Alix Dunn course
        - Network Health work with dgoulet and geko
        - Organize the East Africa Meetup (05/26 @ 1300 UTC) with raya
        - Promote the Relay Operator meetup (05/21 @ 1900 UTC)
        - Publish the Tor news (newsletter.torproject.org)


    Last week:

        - S123 - Continue the Onionprobe testbed setup:
          Onionprobe testbed using TPO onion sites (#59) · Issues · The Tor Project / Onion Services / Onion Support · GitLab
        - S123 - Continue to work on new deployments
        - S123 - Created Onionmine:
          The Tor Project / Onion Services / Onionmine · GitLab

    This week:

        - S123 - Continue the Onionprobe testbed setup:
          Generate TPO configuration from the canonical services file (!4) · Merge requests · The Tor Project / Onion Services / Onionprobe · GitLab
        - S123 - Work on new deployments
        - 1:1 with Gus


    Last week:
        - Tor users' support on cdr.link (Telegram) and RT (email).
        - 1:1 with Gus
        - Checked Telegram support channel issues

    This week:
        - User support.
        - Final meeting s125
        - alpha-version testing


    Last week:

        - Met with s123 stakeholders, discussed infrastructure
          requirements for s123 landing pages
        - April narrative report for s123:
        - Some touch-ups on training page proposal:
            - [Training] Suggest possible training resources page revamps (#265) · Issues · The Tor Project / Web / community · GitLab
    - Started presentation on onion services for general audience (will
      help with s123, conference proposal, and general use within
community work)
    - 1:1 with Gus
    - Gathered a list of entities who could be interested in a Tor
      Global South meetup

    This week:

        - Finalize s123 narrative report and send to grants
        - First draft of onion services presentation complete

    Help with:
         - Something you need help with.


    Last week:
        - support sponsors 123 and 125
        - translation maintenance, updates, translators feedback

    This week:
        - support sponsors 123 and 125
        - translation documentation
        - training page revamp

    Help with:
         - Khmer translation is ready, but how do we do with the download page? (#290) · Issues · The Tor Project / Web / tpo · GitLab to
           publish Khmer translation


The Tor Project
Community Team Lead