[tor-project] Anti-censorship team meeting notes, 2022-5-12

Hey everyone!

Here are our meeting logs:
#tor-meeting: tor anti-censorship meeting <#tor-meeting: tor anti-censorship meeting>

And our meeting pad:

Anti-censorship work meeting pad



Next meeting: Thursday May 19th 16:00 UTC

Weekly meetings, every Thursday at 16:00 UTC, in #tor-meeting at OFTC (channel is logged while meetings are in progress)

== Goal of this meeting ==

Weekly check-in about the status of anti-censorship work at Tor.
Coordinate collaboration between people/teams on anti-censorship at Tor.

== Links to Useful documents ==

 \* Our anti\-censorship roadmap:
     \* Roadmap: https://gitlab.torproject.org/groups/tpo/anti-censorship/-/boards
 \* The anti\-censorship team&#39;s wiki page:
     \* https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/anti-censorship/team/-/wikis/home
 \* Past meeting notes can be found at:
     \* https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-project/
 \* Tickets that need reviews:  from sponsors we are working on:
     \* All needs review tickets: https://gitlab.torproject.org/groups/tpo/anti-censorship/-/merge_requests?scope=all&utf8=%E2%9C%93&state=opened&assignee_id=None
     \* Sponsor 28
         \* must\-do tickets: https://gitlab.torproject.org/groups/tpo/-/milestones/10
         \* possible tickets: https://gitlab.torproject.org/groups/tpo/-/issues?scope=all&utf8=%E2%9C%93&state=opened&label_name%5b%5d=Sponsor%2028&milestone_title=None
     \* Sponsor 96
         \* https://gitlab.torproject.org/groups/tpo/-/milestones/24

== Announcements ==


== Discussion ==

 \* Snowflake doesn&#39;t work in Russia \(connection failure by timeout\)
     \* there are some anomalies in OONI for RU, but they are not higher than some coutries like CA
     \* most of snowflake users are comming from Russia, it works at least for some
     \* stunreachability measurements show 3 \(of 12\) STUN servers inaccessible in Russia, 2 blocked by Russian ISPs, 1 possibly geoblocking of users in Russia
         \* https://explorer.ooni.org/chart/mat?probe_cc=RU&test_name=stunreachability&since=2022-02-01&until=2022-05-13&axis_x=measurement_start_day&axis_y=domain
     \* flakey bridge\-stats still show plenty of connections from Russia today
     \* whoever added this discussion item is not here to supply more details
 \* Moat gives blocklisted\(ru\) bridges in Russia \(e\.g\. https://metrics.torproject.org/rs.html#details/1807BF9A521468998385F179DDBF928D2482A62C)
     \* meskio will investigate it

== Actions ==


== Interesting links ==


== Reading group ==

 \* We will discuss &quot;Understanding the Impact of Encrypted DNS on Internet Censorship, ACM WWW 2021&quot; on May 19th, 2022
     \* https://shhaos.github.io/papers/www21-DoE.pdf
     \* Questions to ask and goals to have:
         \* What aspects of the paper are questionable?
         \* Are there immediate actions we can take based on this work?
         \* Are there long\-term actions we can take based on this work?
         \* Is there future work that we want to call out in hopes that others will pick it up?

== Updates ==

This week:
- What you worked on this week.
Next week:
- What you are planning to work on next week.
Help with:
- Something you need help with.

anadahz: 2022-01-27
Last week:
- Increase timeout check cycles for default-bridge-felix-1 and default-bridge-felix-2 as they have been generating too many alerts: Increase number of cycles for felix bridges (!1) · Merge requests · The Tor Project / Anti-censorship / monit-configuration · GitLab

cecylia (cohosh): last updated 2022-05-12
Last week:
- work on conjure PT
- review of Distributed snowflake server support (snowflake!87)
This week:
- continue work on conjure PT
- continue snowflake maintenance tasks
Needs help with:

dcf: 2022-05-12
Last week:
- started to look at OONI stunreachability measurements from Russia
Next week:
- look at STATUS VERSION proposal Add STATUS VERSION message for PT protcol (!63) · Merge requests · The Tor Project / Core / Tor Specifications · GitLab
- set up access control on the snowflake-02 bridge Set up a second snowflake bridge site (#40122) · Issues · The Tor Project / Anti-censorship / Pluggable Transports / Snowflake · GitLab
- write up observations on OONI stunreachability measurements from Russia
Help with:

arlolra: 2022-04-07
Last week:
- Merged the rest of snowflake !81
Next week:
- Get to snowflake-webext #10
- Figure out where in pion/webrtc ALPN should be configured and used
- Maybe add Chacha20Poly1305 to pion/dtls
GitHub - pion/dtls: DTLS 1.2 Server/Client implementation for Go
Make Snowflake's DTLS fingerprint more similar to popular WebRTC implementations (#40014) · Issues · The Tor Project / Anti-censorship / Pluggable Transports / Snowflake · GitLab
Help with:

maxb: 2021-09-23
Last week:
- Worked on uTLS for broker negotiation (#40054) · Issues · The Tor Project / Anti-censorship / Pluggable Transports / Snowflake · GitLab re: utls for broker negotiation
- Had conversation with someone about upstream utls http round tripper feat: sketch out utls http.RoundTripper by bassosimone · Pull Request #74 · refraction-networking/utls · GitHub
- Too busy with work :confused:
Next week:
- _Really_ want to get a PR for utls round tripper

meskio: 2022-05-12
Last week:
- add location to circumvention settings (rdsys#108)
- use a worker to write telegram metrics (rdsys!39)
- deploy a test setup for dynamic bridges updates API (rdsys#98)
- prepare demhack.ru hackathon challenge (team#61)
- configure our mergerequest assignments bot so cohosh only gets snowflake ones (TriageOps!8)
Next week:
- rethink distributor retries to the rdsys backend (rdsys#99)
- use systemd to run bridgedb (team#72)

Shelikhoo: 2022-05-12
Last Week:
- [Merge Request] Add Distributed Snowflake Server Support (snowflake!87)
- [Merge Request Awaiting] Add SOCKS5 forward proxy support to snowflake (snowflake!64)
- [Merge Request Review] Telegram distributor hands both new and old bridges to old accounts (snowflake!37)
- [Research & Coding] WebSocket + CDN Based Probe Control Connection Forwarder (shelikhoo/LogCollectorAncillary#3)
- [Coding & Deployment] Proposal: Centralized Probe Result Collector (anti-censorship/team#54)
- [Discussion] Opening 8443 port on probetelemetry-01@ for V2Ray Websocket Connection Inbound (continue)
Next Week:
- [Coding] Distributed Snowflake Bridges (continue)
- [Merge Request] Add Distributed Snowflake Server Support (snowflake!87)
- [Coding & Deployment] Proposal: Centralized Probe Result Collector (anti-censorship/team#54)
- [Research & Coding & Coding] WebSocket + CDN Based Probe Control Connection Forwarder (shelikhoo/LogCollectorAncillary#3)
- [Research & Coding] Implement metrics to measure snowflake churn (Implement metrics to measure snowflake churn (#34075) · Issues · The Tor Project / Anti-censorship / Pluggable Transports / Snowflake · GitLab)

Itchy Onion: 2022-05-12
Last week:
- prepared for Georgetown meeting (read code/docs about snowflake)
This week:
- audit PI meeting
- working on the snowflake issues assigned to me
- review MRs assigned to me

HackerNCoder: 2021-12-16
This week:
Setup web mirror on tor.encryptionin.space
Get (new VPs with) new IP and setup new web mirror on new domain