"test gettor reimplementation" feedback

Regarding this read-only post: [tor-project] test gettor reimplementation

I sent an email to gettor-test@riseup.net with the subject line “linux br” (I thought that was the abbreviation for Brazilian) and received in reply links to the Icelandic TB version. Retested with “windows br”. Althought it appears that the correct code for Brazilian is “pt-br”, this might not be obvious to some people? I’m suggesting that “linux/windows/mac br” returns the pt-br version, or that the correct country codes get documented somewhere.

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I didn’t think about it, in my head I was focusing on languages and if you ask both for ‘pt’ or ‘pt-br’ you get a Tor Browser in that language. But ‘br’ is a country, I didn’t think about adding it to the valid answers. But I think it makes sense, I just changed it and now you should get the right TB if you ask for ‘br’.

Thanks for testing it and for the suggestion.