Saving passwords in Tor?

Hi, I’m very new here and apologize in advance for not being clear, so please feel free to ask questions.

The problem is that passwords aren’t storing in Tor. OS is Windows 10, Tor 12.0.3, security level standard.

After logging in on a site and then realizing it hadn’t saved the password, I logged out. I set the password setting (which hadn’t yet been set) in “privacy and security” to ask to “save logins and passwords for websites” and then logged back in. Checked for passwords - there were no logins or passwords in the passwords file.

I tried it again, logged out, typed in account email and password, logged back in again. Still nothing.

I tried to enter the info manually (passwords/create new login), but the option is greyed out and does nothing when clicked on.

How does one get this feature working?

Thank you in advance.

ref. The Design and Implementation of the Tor Browser

  1. Auto form-fill

We disable the password saving functionality in the browser as part of our Disk Avoidance requirement. However, since users may decide to re-enable disk history records and password saving, we also set the signon.autofillForms preference to false to prevent saved values from immediately populating fields upon page load. Since JavaScript can read these values as soon as they appear, setting this preference prevents automatic linkability from stored passwords.


@championquizzer , thank you so much. That actually makes perfect sense, even as a newbie. Thanks again, now I have to decide what to do and I just may leave it as is and manually enter the info every time. It’s not a lot of trouble. :slightly_smiling_face:

You can use a password manager (I personally use KeepassXC which is open source). Another benefit of password managers is that your passwords are not tied into one single browser. Hope it helps!


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