Road from restricted to unrestircted!

Forwarded on my router ports 32678-60999 towards raspberrypi

Redeplopyed the docker container using [ “/bin/proxy”, “-verbose”, “-ephemeral-ports-range”, “32678:60999”] options but the snowflake is still restricted

Any ideea?

there is no use if people block from ISP.

You could try it without the external port source number in the bottom field (leave it blank)? I have no idea what you would use as the external source IP address so maybe leaving both of those blank would default to “any”.

Did you try the solution here?: Snowflake standalone proxy in Docker: How to make NAT unrestricted?

I have tried also that before opening a thread here. I have tried also to open both TCP+UDP but still restricted

Also --net=host by default in all of my configuration so the fix from Snowflake standalone proxy in Docker: How to make NAT unrestricted? does not apply.

@red0bear ISP doesn’t block anything but i will open a ticket to them to ask just in case…

i think tor is more TCP connection than UDP connection. i see you setting high ports what is good. But you double or trple check at your settings . is very normal you missconfig and then all got broken.

Hey @SirNeo, instead of running on docker, could you try to run the compiled version of the standalone proxy? Then, we can narrow the issue to the docker image if it gives you an unrestricted NAT type.

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If your router gives tells you what it believes your WAN IP address to be, you can probably check if you are behind a carrier-grade NAT. If the WAN IP address is part of the Reserved IP addresses - Wikipedia then you probably are.

Unfortunately i don’t know how to setup it without docker. :frowning:
All my proxies were installed using Portainer…but when i will go to the location where i have the setup above i will test to see if using my Windows build the snowflake will be unrestricted, i this case we can exclude the problem with docker.

Good news.
On another location with same ISP and same docker setup and i have managed to have unrestricted connections.

The only difference between setups is the router used, i will keep digging

Not sure if your router calls port forwarding port mapping or you’re using the wrong option but regardless, I believe you need to get rid of the “External source port number”.

IP forwarding works like this:

Any IP TO ports 32678-60999 -----> local IP of Raspberry ports 32678-60999

Use the application option for lets say DNS server and see how the fields are populated and copy it for your intended ports.