Not starting onion service (network connection speed appears to have changed)

Hi guys. After running I get full sync.

Bootstrapped 50% (loading_descriptors): Loading relay descriptors
The current consensus contains exit nodes. Tor can build exit and internal paths.
Bootstrapped 56% (loading_descriptors): Loading relay descriptors
Bootstrapped 63% (loading_descriptors): Loading relay descriptors
Bootstrapped 68% (loading_descriptors): Loading relay descriptors
Bootstrapped 75% (enough_dirinfo): Loaded enough directory info to build circuits
Bootstrapped 90% (ap_handshake_done): Handshake finished with a relay to build circuits
Bootstrapped 95% (circuit_create): Establishing a Tor circuit
Bootstrapped 100% (done): Done

But domain not work, and later i see in log:

Bootstrapped 100% (done): Done
Your network connection speed appears to have changed. Resetting timeout to 60000ms after 18 timeouts and 109

Could you share your torrc file?

DataDirectory /var/lib/tor-instances/site1

SocksPort 0
RunAsDaemon 1

HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor-instances/site1/backend
HiddenServicePort 80
MaxClientCircuitsPending 256
ExcludeNodes #this any countries
EntryNodes #this any countires

Instead of running multiple tor instances, please try first a simpler setup, for example,


RunAsDaemon 1
DataDirectory /var/lib/tor
HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/
HiddenServicePort 80
Log notice file /var/log/tor/notices.log

If your tor can’t generate your onion service keys, probably you didn’t set the right permission in your directories.

All permission is good, keys in folders. Bootstrap 100% but after i see

Your network connection speed appears to have changed. Resetting timeout to 60000ms after 18 timeouts and 109

But another domain with the same configurations in the adjacent folder works fine

Have other errors

Bootstrapped 100% (done): Done
onion_skin_create failed.
connection_edge_process_relay_cell (at origin) failed.
onion_skin_create failed.
connection_edge_process_relay_cell (at origin) failed.

what is it?