no ssl object but torbrowser works

Hello everyone, I’m very new here and I would apologize in advance for mislabeling my post or something, please forgive it.

I tried to open url through python tbselenium, but I got error and the page is blank:

Because I’m in country with strict censorship, so I guess I should build a bridge. Then I follow the official tutorial [Tor Project | Debian / Ubuntu]and complete all steps, but after restart tor-service, the log shows:

I tried tbselenium again and get:

While at the same time, I can directly open youtube manually through tor-browser:

  • OS: ubuntu 18.04, amd64
  • Linux version: 5.10.172
  • Tor Browser version: 12.03
  • Security Level: standard
  • The system time is local time, but when I open the log of tor-browser I found it’s UTC time, does it affect?

Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. face_holding_back_tears: