Help Censored Users, Run a Tor Bridge

A little more technically advanced people familiar with the Puppet configuration management engine might appreciate this Puppet code snippet that will deploy a bridge on port 443 for you:

class tor_meta::config {

  service {
      ensure     => running,
      hasrestart => true,
      hasstatus  => true;

  package {
      ensure => present;

  tor::daemon::relay {
      bridge_relay     => true,
      port             => 443,
      address          => "${ipaddress}",
      bandwidth_rate   => 56250, #450mbps
      bandwidth_burst  => 59375, #475mbps
      contact_info     => 'Foo Bar <>',

  tor::daemon::exit_policy {
      reject => ['*:*'];

  tor::daemon::snippet {
      content => "BridgeDistribution none\n";

  tor::daemon::snippet {
      content => "AddressDisableIPv6 1\n";

  tor::daemon::transport_plugin {
      ext_port                   => 'auto',
      servertransport_plugin     => 'obfs4 exec /usr/bin/obfs4proxy',
      servertransport_listenaddr => 'obfs4',

  # Make sure obfs4 can bind to a low port
  exec {
      command => '/sbin/setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep /usr/bin/obfs4proxy',
      unless  => '/sbin/getcap /usr/bin/obfs4proxy | /bin/grep ep',
      notify  => Service['tor@default'];

      command     => '/bin/systemctl daemon-reload',
      refreshonly => true;

  $services = ['tor@default.service','tor@.service']
  $services.each |String $service| {
    file_line {
        path   => "/lib/systemd/system/${service}",
        line   => 'NoNewPrivileges=no',
        match  => 'NoNewPrivileges=yes',
        notify => Exec['tor-systemd-reload'];

It depends on the tor puppet module and Puppet 5.


@gus Is this the link you need to validate my new tor bridge?

1 Like

Yay, yes! Can you send the bridge line in private or to

Sure thing, any pointer on where to find this? I’m new to Tor.

Just follow these instructions :smiley_cat:

Awesome, sent the email. Looks like I am too new to send DMs right now.

One note, I installed via Docker. And on the docker install page (Tor Project | Docker) for step 3, it talks about a command to get the bridge line:

docker exec CONTAINER_ID get-bridge-line

Unfortunately, when I ran that I get the following:

user@dockerhost:~$ docker exec torbridge_obfs4-bridge_1 get-bridge-line

Could not create bridge line. Tor's log format may have changed. This is a bug.

I ended up just grabbing the file you suggested, but wanted to give the heads up that it looks like the docs might need an update.

Hm, probably a bug. :space_invader:
I opened a ticket for the Anti-censorship team to check:

Ok was planning on deploying five nodes, but I really need two shirts AND a hoodie (AND stickers). So later today I will up my setup from six working bridges now to ten later on.

Hi! I’m new on this forum. Been running tor relays on and off for twenty years now I think :slight_smile:


awesome! the link:

its says that its first seen 2021-05-07 13:04:40, that’s not fully corrected. its older but i did lost the keys of it…

Hello bridge operators, if you’re running one of these relays, please remember to install and configure obsf4:

Nickname Metrics link
NObridge Relay Search
s10 Relay Search
s11 Relay Search
Spaceportal Relay Search
Unnamed Relay Search
Unnamed Relay Search
Unnamed Relay Search
Unnamed Relay Search
Unnamed Relay Search
Unnamed Relay Search
1 Like

Got some shirts years ago, this time I really want a hoodie…
When I get 10 bridges up (added 4 so far) I’ll share the ‘Bridge obfs4’ lines with Gus, as I understand is a way to be eligible.


Hi all! I just had troubles (ip blacklisted) running my relay, so I decided to run a bridge. This campaign is just perfect for me!
Some questions: I set up the torrc as shown in the instruction but I have a doubt, should also DirPort be set-up on torrc and opened on firewall?
My hashed fingerprint url is

as shown in the tor log, but at the moment it is not showing up anything (“no resources for the given id” message) and the tor log states:

Your server has not managed to confirm reachability for its
│ ORPort(s) at :443. Relays do not publish descriptors until
│ their ORPort and DirPort are reachable. Please check your firewalls, ports,
│ address, /etc/hosts file, etc.

So I ask you if you can confirm DirPort must be set up too.
When everything is working sould I post there the metrics url and send an email with full line to to partecipate am I right?
Thanks a lot!

Hi @brian_d,

No, you need to open your ORPort and you will see message saying that the port is reachable in your Tor logs. After ~3 hours you will be able to find your bridge on Metrics portal.

Yes, you’re right! :smiley_cat:

Hi @gus thanks a lot for the fast answer!
I am running on raspbian (Debian Stretch) but I cannot find the file obfs4_bridgeline.txt in the entire filesystem. Any help?

Did you install obfs4proxy? See the Debian instructions.
Follow this path and you find the file: /var/lib/tor/pt_state/obfs4_bridgeline.txt

Hi @gus,
now ORPort is verified, the problem was an Address entry with an old DNS record inside configuration
Yes obfs4proxy is correctly installed! At URL:

Bridge 33ADB77CD707E0EDF1711DBE7BEC63C6C876E480 advertises:

* obfs4: functional
  Last tested: 2021-11-21 12:37:49.893505938 +0000 UTC (18m2.992117131s ago)

But no file /var/lib/tor/pt_state/obfs4_bridgeline.txt is present, command find / -name obfs* has no useful result (finds binary and docs but no bridgeline). I installed tor from sources (latest version,, don’t know if this can help… any suggestion?
Thank you!

Yes the Hoodie made me go to 10 too :slight_smile:

If you try that Tor will complain in the logs and ignore the Dirport setting. It is mutual exclusive apparently. Maybe to prevent bridges to be identified as such too easily?

I really like hoodies! :smiley:
if Tor will get support for IPv6 only, i can create a second bridge (or relay / exit node…)

would love to create 10 more bridges but currently i don’t have the resources…
for now i going to keep this one running and hope i don’t lose the keys…

I just fixed all issues!
Here we are :grin::

If anyone is planning to run a bridge on raspbian stretch I followed this steps:

  1. Downloaded and installed tor from sources (latest versions have no updated deb!)
  2. Downloaded and installed latest GoLang binaries for ARMv6
  3. Cloned obfs4proxy from git, latest version, and built (here deb is not supported anymore!)
  4. Added a systemctl entry for automatic startup at boot

Hope this could help!