Assistance with BadExit flag removal


My long running exit relay (fingerprint# 0ED4CA8A8E6CE2D28D6D23B20815AE3982646FCB) experienced a DNS issue which resulted in it getting the BadExit flag. I’ve resolved the issue and reached out to the bad-relays list, as well as via Matrix over a week ago. However, i have not received a response. Would anyone be able to assist with removing that flag?

Thank you

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I would contact

I did a couple weeks ago. I have not had a reply. I still need help with this.

Thank you

KillerBeluga via Tor Project Forum:

I did a couple weeks ago. I have not had a reply. I still need help with this.

Thank you

This should be fixed now, sorry for the late reply. Let us know if you
still have trouble with the badexit flag.


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Hello Georg,

Thank you! Yes, this has now been resolved. It’s very much appreciated. Thanks again!

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